Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chocolate Lovers' Manual -- Get yours now!

A couple years ago, I created a small “user’s manual” about chocolate. I prepared and then photographed several classic chocolate confections, plus some of my favorites. The “CHOCOLATE LOVERS’ MANUAL” was born with the help of a few chocolate-loving friends, and a lot of chocolate.

It took me over two years to make this manual, starting with the concept, then learning everything I could about chocolate, then trying to fit all that irresistible information onto one 12”x18” page, and then learning enough about professional food photography to create fine-quality photos for the other side of the page. And then the paper search! Finding the right quality of paper – smooth and velvety like a fine chocolate – was a monumental project in itself. Each step was full of discovery, and fully enjoyable. 

I recall the most difficult part of the project was taking good photographs. I read a couple books on professional food photography and took a short course in San Francisco on studio lighting and how to find affordable equipment. However, the most important result was developing a great collaboration and friendship with Rahul Parikh, a chocolate lover and amateur photographer like me. He indulged in a lot of chocolate after each shooting (in fact, it was always more than we should have indulged), but it was really hard work! I have still not thanked him enough for his help.

Since publishing the manual, I’ve received many compliments for both the photography and the amazingly-portable chocolate story that accompanies it. As I continued to melt into the world of chocolate, my brain became more addicted… not only to chocolate as a food and beverage, but to the whole idea of its impact on health, fashion, art, (music?) and more! So I decided to create a new blog dedicated to you – all the Chocolate Lovers whose hearts beat for chocolate.

CocoBeat Blog will be about recipes, of course, along with more tasty photography and chocolate-inspired stories/insights to enjoy. Meanwhile, follow this link to the “Cocobeat

Stay tuned, and addicted, to CocoBeat! 

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